Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Study tips

♣Plan when you are going to study.
♣Study at the same time.
♣Each study time should have a specific goal.
♣Give your plenty of short breaks when you are revising_watch your favorite tv programme or go for a ride.
♣Find a quite palce to study,may be your room or library.
♣Rivise by re-reading your notes,underline important points or ask your friend to test you.
♣Set a goal for each session.
♣Try to link your by hearted topics.
♣Start with the most difficult subject first.
♣Make sure you are not distracted while studying.
♣Keep note with you.


  1. നന്നായിരിക്കുന്നു... സ്റ്റഡി ടിപ്സ് ഗംഭീരം..

    1. Thank you sir :) and.it is really nice, thank you for the 'source'.
